Filo Market is designed for you to get your shopping list staples from package-free dispensers. Products that cannot be dispensed are wrapped in plant-based material and as little wrapping as possible. Our store has no petrochemical plastic packaging whatsoever.
Typically you can find two dozen types of olive oil on a shelf. At Filo you will only find the very best options at a fair price. This allows us to fit the many specialty sections of a large store in the space of a very small store. Our low-lying shelves allow for views of the courtyard herb garden from nearly anywhere in the store.
Product information is labeled in a standard format making it easy to locate the brand, price, nutritional information.
Get a handful or enough for the whole dinner party. As you're dispensing, the weight and price is shown to you.
Paper packages provided/or make your home pantry more organized and beautiful with reusable jars.
Standardized cartridge-based supply chain unlocks radical savings that are passed down to our shoppers.